The film narrates about the trip of Bilbo Baggins, who embarks on a Grand campaign, whose goal is to win back the lost Kingdom of the dwarves Эребор the evil dragon Smog. Quite unexpectedly, the hobbit establishing contact the wizard Gandalf the Grey. So Bilbo finds himself joining the company thirteen dwarves, headed by the legendary warrior, Thorin Дубощитом. Their journey passes through the Edge of the Wild, through the treacherous lands inhabited by goblins and orcs, deadly варгами and giant spiders, the people of changing skins, and wizards.
Quality: BDRip
Video: AVC / 23,976 fps / 1920 x 1080p / a 12.5 Mbps;
Audio 1: Русский / AC3 / 48 KHz / 5.1 ch / 448 Kbps (Dubbing - "pure sound");
Audio 2: English / AC3 / 48 KHz / 5.1 ch / 640 Kbps;
Size: 16.41 GB
Free Download The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 3D (2012) 1080p Movie
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