when you purchase a cell phone, the company that sold you the phone
(ex: AT&T) 'locked' the phone before you bought it, so you can only
use it on their network. This means that you can't use your phone if on
any other network, even if you change the SIM (which is an abbreviation
for Subscriber Identity Module) card. The SIM card is the little piece
of plastic that identifies your phone to the cellular network.There are
services that offer to provide unlocking capabilities for a fee, but you
can usually do it yourself for free-which is the perfect price.
- Contact your service provider and ask for an unlock code. Usually, if you've been a customer of theirs for some time, they will provide you with an unlock code for free. This is, by far, the best way to get your phone unlocked.
- Download software to generate the unlocking code. Software is available on our websites for free. See external links below.
- Download Links
- Remove sim card. You will see a message "Insert SIM Card". Enter all of the characters you see in your code, including the # symbols. To get a 'p' press * 3 times, to get a '+' press the * key 2 times, to get a 'w' press the * key 4 times. Disregard any spaces in the code.
- In order to unlock your phone you generally need to enter only one code. Start with the first one. If your phone is not unlocked by typing the first code (MCC+MNC), use code "7" (Multilock).
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